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Raise the Roof Campaign!

The ASDC is continuing its campaign to raise money for a new roof and refrigerated air conditioning (we're sure all of you who have suffered through the summer of 2010 are happy to hear that!).  THE ROOF IS DONE!

The ASDC kicked off its efforts on October 30th, 2010 with a crazy fun dance featuring local callers. Thanks to all the dancers (over 10 squares), we raised over $3500. That was a start, but we need to raise much more. We'll be working on this for the next several years. Remember, the ASDC benefits the entire square dance community!
We want to thank Duke City Singles, who presented ASDC with our first donation to the Raise the Roof fund: a $1000 check. Thanks, DCS!
We also want to thank Crazy 8s, who held a special Glow Worm dance on November 16th, and donated all the proceeds to the Roof fund, and the Wilde Bunch, who held a community C&W dance, donating the proceeds to the Roof fund.


And the air conditioning is great! There were very few disruptions during the far as we know, only the Wilde Bunch canceled a night of dancing...and that was on Labor Day.

Reminder: we now need to keep the doors closed to keep the cool air in.

Raise the Roof Plan, 2013

  • 2 Rummage Sales
  • Benefit Dance
  • Raffle



As of December 21, 2013, we have paid off our 10 year loan of $60,000 in two years, thanks to the generosity of our dancers and friends!

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